sMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> android xda: Easy step guide to understanding 'Jailbreak' and jailbreaking iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Easy step guide to understanding 'Jailbreak' and jailbreaking iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up

The team behind Evasi0n, the evad3rs has released a stable version of Evasi0n7 the jailbreak for iOS 7 and up.  So if you own a iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini or iPod Touch and have upgraded it to iOS 7.0.4 you should go for this jailbreak.  But the question remains why jailbreak and what is a jailbreak. 
An easy step guide to jailbreaking your  iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up using the EVASI0N7

To understand Jailbreak you have to understand the environment Apple, the maker of iOS devices operates in.  The Apple provides a secure architecture with many do and donts on iOS.  Even its Apple Play environment is controlled to the extent that you may become suffocated.  But somewhere down the line these donts create lot of problems if you want a unhindered smart phone.  You must have heard a lot of custom ROMS for Android.  Well these custom ROMs are nothing but jailbroken ROM released by modders for the benefit of users who want to use the last drop of resource their smart phone has. In short, jailbreaking is just hacking into your Apple product’s software and opening it up for customization. You can change the way it looks and feels, choose from a host of custom Apps that aren’t available in Apple’s official App store and a whole bunch of other things.  

One of the examples of the use of jailbreak is that you cannot use your official iPhone as modem.  With the Evasi0n7 it becomes easy to make your iPhone 5 to become a mobile modem or tethering device for your PC or laptop.  With a Evasi07 Jailbreak you can connect my laptop to my iPhone using USB or WiFi or use it’s 3G Internet connection.

This is just one of the examples of advantages of jailbreak, out there, there is whole new world of tweaks and add-on which you can put on your iOS 7 device.  Other tweaks include features similar to the new Control Centre in IOS 7, except they were even better, allowing you to add or delete icons as per your personal choice.

For the record, jailbreaking will not void your warranty and it’s pretty simple to uninstall a jailbreak if you dont like it.  You just have to restore your device using iTunes. Jailbreak also allows you to access iTunes, the App Store and all your apps and backups just like a normal iOS 7 device.

Now if you are convinced the you need a Jailbroken device, you can proceed reading this post.  For the record the latest release from Team Evasi0n, the Evasi07 is a one click affair and pretty easy to handle unlike installing custom ROMs on Android devices.   If you are ready click on the following links and lets start

1. Windows for those who own a Windows PC

2. Mac for those who own a Apple PC

(It is advisable to unzip the downloaded file and keep it on your desktop)

Next menu on the desk is to check whether your iOS device is compatible for this jailbreak.  This jailbreak is only compatible with IOS 7.0 to 7.0.4.  But you should update your iOS device from iOS 7 to iOS 7.0.4 to get the best out of this jailbreak.  

To check your current version, go to Settings>General> About and the third last menu under ‘Version’ will give you the version number of your iOS device.
An easy step guide to jailbreaking your  iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up using the EVASI0N7

Next step is to back up your iOS device.  No matter how new your iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini or iPod Touch is, it is always advisable to make a backup of the device.  You can do it through iTunes in secs. 
An easy step guide to jailbreaking your  iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up using the EVASI0N7

Next step is to make sure your battery is more then 40 percent full and connect it to the PC with USB connection.  Once connected go to your desktop where you have saved the unzipped version of Evasi0n7 and double click it.  It will give a pop up like below :
An easy step guide to jailbreaking your  iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up using the EVASI0N7

Click on Jailbreak in that screen and just sit back till Evasi0n7 starts its job 
An easy step guide to jailbreaking your  iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up using the EVASI0N7

Now Evasi0n7 will ask you to tap on the new new Evasi0n7 App icon on your iOS device screen (this will generally appear on the second or the third page)
An easy step guide to jailbreaking your  iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up using the EVASI0N7

Once you have tapped the Evasi0n7 icon, it will take two minutes for the Evasi0n7 to do its job and you will get a exit screen as below.  Press exit and remove the USB connection.

An easy step guide to jailbreaking your  iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up using the EVASI0N7

Congratulations, you have jailbroken you iOS 7 device.  Now you will see the Cydia icon in your menu 
An easy step guide to jailbreaking your  iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch running on iOS 7 and up using the EVASI0N7

Cydia is the unofficial market place where you get all the tweaks and add ons you have been dreaming about.  Remember, never update your iOS 7 firmware if you have used the above process.  If you want you can restore your iOS device to pre jailbreak state and update your firmware.  But dont use the jailbreak after updating your firmware till evad3rs release the jailbreak for that particular device. 

You can watch the video below to get some of the tweaks and understand them.  

Three of the best tweaks are ModMyi 7, SwipeSelection and Hidden Springboard settings.  The SwipeSelection lets you to simply swipe across the screen to select text, instead of using the often infuriating magnifying glass. It can also make repositioning the cursor to add punctuation or letters pretty easy.  Hidden Springboard allows you to customize the way the OS looks and feels while ModMyi 7 allows you to use tethering, even if it’s not enabled by your carrier.

Just in case you are still in doubt over jailbreak, over 70 % iPhones and iPads manufactured by Apple are jailbroken so you are not the only one to use it.

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