sMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> android xda: Mandriva 2006 - rozdíl mezi Community a Official

Tuesday, 29 November 2005

Mandriva 2006 - rozdíl mezi Community a Official

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Subject: Re: [Expert] Online sources for 2006
Date: středa 30 listopad 2005 20:50
From: Thomas Backlund
Anne Wilson wrote:
* On Wednesday 30 Nov 2005 14:24, Gary Montalbine wrote:
** Is 2006 community a newer version of 2006 official? As I understand
** the above discussion community can safely be used as an update source
** for 2006 official. Correct?
* As I understand it, 2006 Official is the download/CD/DVD version, fully
* supported by Mandriva. 2006 Community has, I believe, updates and
* other packages supported only by the packager - not Mandriva.
2006.0 Official tree (official/2006.0/) is the "Frozen Cooker" from
where the Official ISO's get built.
- the media/main is the only supported part (besides the installer stuff)
- there are more packages here than fits on the DVD's (both in
media/main and even more media/contrib)
2006.0 Official Updates Tree gets the Security Updates for 2006.0
Official Main as per
2006.0 Community tree (devel/12006.0) is 2006.0 Official + 2006.0
Official Updates + ...
- this tree acts as a "Stable tree" for Products to come based on 2006.0
- this also gets other updates/bugfixes that are considered too simple
to go out as a Security Update
- newer versions of some programs are also allowed here as long as _they
don't break_ anything
- here you wont see any packages uploaded that would require many other
packages to be rebuilt,
so for example you wont see the new Firefox 1.5 here, or any of the
libs that is used in half the distro...
- This is the only place (besides Club and Offsite Repos such as SoS,
Thac) where Contributors
can upload bugfixes & security updates for Contrib packages in
* If that is not the case, someone will correct me. If I am right, then
* it is slightly more risky than Official but a lot less risky than
* Cooker.
* Ann
Actually I would say this is the best Release to use as it will provide
a better testbase if more people use it.
And it's not risky, and bugzilla accepts bugreports against if if you
find any, and it will probably be fixed...

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